Students wishing to have a sustainability-related course, which is not currently on the Sustainability Minor Course List, and have it count towards their minor are encouraged to email with the following information:
- Your Name:
- Your Home Faculty:
- Your Program of Study
- Level of Study:
- Faculty (of the course you are submitting the request for):
- Program (of the course you are submitting the request for):
- Course Code and Title:
- Course Outline (link or attach a copy):
- Name and Email of Course Instructor (who taught when you took the course):
- Have you had any other courses approved for substitutions?
- If yes, please list using Course Code and Title:
- Name of the academic advisor you have been working with in your home Faculty, if appropriate. If you haven’t been working with a specific advisor, that’s fine too.
- Describe how this course, and/or what you have done in this course, contributes to your learning about sustainability and your sustainability minor. Connecting your learning to one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (see here or here) is encouraged. Additional information on each Sustainable Development Goal can be found by reading the associated Indicators and Targets.