Information Box Group
SUSTAIN 4S06 prepared me for graduate-level research and provided an opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary team and with community mentors, leaving me with rich and memorable experiences.
I've embraced diverse academic perspectives, realizing that sustainability goes beyond one field. The course mantra “think globally, act locally” empowers students to weave sustainable futures.
"SUSTAIN 2SS3 gave me the opportunity to gain experience working in a community setting with the City of Hamilton and Cycle Hamilton and advocate for an issue that I strongly resonate with!"
"Advocating for Sustainability 2SS3 allowed me to promote humanitarian aid and I was able to make a change I always wished to see. Unlike any other course, working hands on with community partners."
SUSTAIN 3S03 allowed me to be fully immersed in learning about sustainability in class and through our group project where we enacted real, sustainable change.
"I didn't know what to expect when I registered but as I made my way through the course, I found the content to be enjoyable and applicable to problems I face every day and would face in my career."